Weather Information Closing Procedures Update

Weather Information

Information related to school closings/delays (3-hour) can be heard on these area radio and television stations. Please note: If a delay is needed, it will be a 3-hour delay to allow more time for the road commission to get out on the roads as well as extra time for sunlight to assist with melting and road conditions.

WWTV, CBS-Fox 9and10 News, Local 32
WBPN 7and4 News, TV 29 & 8
Big Rapids Radio Network FM 100.9, FM Y102, FM 99.1
WTCM FM 103.5

In addition, Reed City Area Public Schools automatically notifies parents of students via Skyward Message Center. Please make sure your contact information is correct in Skyward, so that you are able to receive these messages. If your information is incorrect, please contact your child’s school.

3 Hour Delay Procedures
In the event of a three-hour delay, the following procedure will take place:
Buses begin routes three hours late.
Walkers should not arrive at school more than ten (10) minutes before classes start.

No breakfast will be served. Lunch will be served.
No high school AM shared time programs. Students report to regularly scheduled High School classes.

Local television and radio stations will be contacted. We will also update our Web page/Facebook page at

Delayed Bus Schedule
Students should be at bus stops three hours later than regular time (Allow 5-10 minutes on either side because of conditions).

In the event of a delay, the following schedule will apply:

GT Norman 11:00 (Kindergarten will eat lunch at 12:20 pm)
MS 10:55
HS 10:55

7:30-3:30 Business Office
8:30-4:30 Superintendent’s Office 832-2201
7:15-3:15 High School Guidance Office
7:30-3:30 High School Office
7:30-3:30 Middle School Guidance Office
7:30-3:30 Middle School Office
7:30-4:00 Elementary Office
5:30-5:30 Transportation 832-4232
7:45-3:45 Athletics 791-7263