Please see important information regarding high school student-athlete antigen testing.
Starting Monday, April 26th antigen testing for HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT-ATHLETES will begin at 7 A.M. in the high school gym. Testing will be from 7 A.M. until 8:15/8:30. Students that are able to arrive at school early should come as soon as possible. Students riding buses should immediately come to the gym once their bus arrives at school. Students enrolled in AM Career Center or a morning co-op should arrive as soon as possible. Students with unique situations regarding arrival for testing should contact Mrs. Griffin directly.
This shift is occurring because a positive result requires the prior 48 hours to be contact traced. By testing on Monday morning, the need to trace back through classroom contacts is avoided. The result should be fewer students identified as having to quarantine.
We understand this won't be convenient for everyone with transportation, but we are hoping that parents/students will understand the rationale behind the change and how it will keep more students in school.