Reed City Schools is Now FARECheck Certified!
All associates have taken our comprehensive FARE-Certified Training
Highlights our emphasis on food allergy training and awareness
Empowers our associates, demonstrates our commitment to safe dining environment for all students, including those with food allergies
As you may know, Chartwells K12 is the first in the child nutrition industry to have our allergen management training courses certified by Food Allergy Research and Education (FARE) through their FARECheck Program, an audit program that reviews and certifies food allergy training materials.
We’ve taken our commitment a step further by offering our schools the opportunity to achieve an additional level of certification through FARE when all employees complete individual online allergy training,.
We’re excited to announce that all members of the foodservice team at Reed City have completed the necessary training to become a FARECheck Certified district! While annual training has always been a core component of our allergy management program, this additional layer of training allows us to place an increased emphasis on food allergy training and awareness.
This designation empowers our associates with additional knowledge and awareness for responsible food handling regarding allergens and anaphylaxis. It also communicates to our school community our commitment to providing a safe dining environment for all students, including those with food allergies.
We can work with you to let our community know about this prestigious designation. (Options may include posting the certificate in a prominent location within the school, notifying the media, or other communications within the district).