Here is the signup form for the Coyote 3 on 3 tournament: https://5il.co/dfqo

*Schedule Adjustment*
JV/Varsity boys basketball game that was scheduled on Monday, March 2nd, was actually scheduled for March 3rd. The JV game will start at 6pm with the varsity following on March 3rd.

Thank you to all of our senior Lady Coyotes for a great season! Best wishes with all your future endeavors!

Signup for the Coyote Classic 3 on 3 is now open!

Congratulations to these Reed City Middle School students for a job well done at tonight’s District 1 Honors Band!! These students were selected to perform in this group by receiving a first division rating at Solo & Ensemble!! Bravo students!!

The superintendents announcement regarding the new interim middle school principal-

THIS WEEK ONLY, speed training will be from 5:30-6:30 instead of 12:30-1:30.

Come out to the Reed City Band Boosters Carnival on Jan 18th!